Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hulk Smash Moments

I occasionally have moments of such pure rage that they can only be described as Hulk Smash Moments.  The most common reason for these moments revolve around infant formula or the companies that manufacture infant formula.  I just had one less than five minutes ago while searching for a breastfeeding pocket guide for new moms.  The two paid Google ads at the top were from Enfamil and Similac respectively.  The Enfamil ad was masquerading as "Breastfeeding Resources" but the Similac ad didn't even bother to pretend that it wasn't a formula advertisement.  I nearly threw my phone across the room and did yell, "Are you fucking kidding me?!?" at the top of my lungs.  The ballsiness of of these companies galls me.  And it frustrates me that so many people can't see what they are doing.  We breastfeeding crusaders get a bad wrap for trying to "force" our beliefs of healthy child feeding on the populace but these companies get a pass when they are actively campaigning for for your hard earned cash for a product so far inferior to the free stuff that it contributes to over a million deaths each year worldwide and 10% of the global disease burden in children per a 2012 article in the journal Archives of Disease In Childhood .  But yeah, totally, we're the bad guys trying to take away your choices.  I just want people to know all the facts before they make their decision.  If the decision is "formula feeding works best for our family" after they've been well informed, I have no problem with that. Formula companies have the opposite approach.  Be as big and as loud and as visible as you can so you can drown out any competing messages!

And that leads me to another Hulk Smash inducing issue.  Feminists who believe we trying to take away their choices.  The ones who are trying to limit choice are the guys out there with the billions to spend on adverts not me with my shitty cardboard sign on a stick that says "Breastfeeding is better for babies but don't get pissed that I said so, kay?"  This chick makes my blood boil.  Way to completely disregard years of scientific evidence to make yourself feel better.  That's super productive.  And since I linked to the ass hat above I feel compelled to also link to someone who might reasonably be expected to have an opinion that might mean something.  As an anthropologist who studies nutritional anthropology in humans and other primates, Kathy Dettwyler's opinions might mean more than some random shock journalist.  Also Mayor Bloomberg, I sort of appreciate your support except that I don't, because you're kind of a dick who likes to tell other people what to do, so it undermines the credibility of all of the rest of us.  So feminists, I have to give you a pass on that particular sitch.  

I've had these moments in public as well.  Ask my kids about the time I found the "Organic" formula at Toys 'R Us.  I'm not sure ape shit covers that one.  I'm certain they all tried to melt away from me.  I do not know this woman!  For good reason, I did go a little crazy there.  OK I get that cow's milk formula can be made from milk from hormone free, pesticide-free cows and using naturally sourced ingredients, but you can't tell me there isn't chemical involvement in the production of these formulas.  The DHA and ARA in these formulas are most often extracted from algae and fungus using a chemical called hexane which is also found in glues and gasoline.  Sounds totally safe to me.  There have been numerous reports to the FDA of DHA/ARA enhanced formulas causing gas, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea and generalized fussiness.
As a side note, organic formula producers apparently like to call their product "non-artificial baby milk supplement" as a clear F-U to the Lactivists who have started calling formula "artificial baby milk".  I can kind of respect that.  

Ahh.  Much better.  No more throbbing head.  Thank you internet!

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