Well it finally happened. I've been waiting for it for 8 months. My bosses finally asked me to stop wearing my "I Love Boobies" lanyard. I can't say I'm surprised. My expectation was that it wouldn't last a week. Apparently it has been a bone of contention for a while but no one had enough cojones to ask me not to wear it.
What I don't understand is how we can, as a hospital that is attempting to persue
Baby Friendly designation, can be so puritanical about breasts. I've often been asked to tone down the pictures I use for PSAs because EEK! TOO MUCH BOOB!!!! Here are a couple of the offending images:

I could see if I had chosen something like this,which I happen to love:
Apparently even the word boobies is offensive. Of course this is a symptom of the issues with the culture at large. Breasts are not offensive. Are men's nipples offensive? They are purely decorative and for sexual use but people don't gasp and shield themselves from a shirtless man. Of course not! It just disappoints me sometimes. We in the medical profession should be trailblazing, leading the way to a more enlightened age. Instead we get bogged down in not wanting to offend anyone. We don't seem to worry that smokers will be offended by this:
Why should we worry about this?
I am sad to lose the lanyard though. It was a great ice breaker. And the daddies loved it so much!
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